

狭山茶は、日本三大銘茶の中で最も東京の近くで生産されているお茶です。埼玉県西部および東京都西多摩地域を中心に生産され、茶産地としては北に位置し、葉肉が厚く味や香りが濃いのが特徴です。「1802 SAYAMA TEA」というブランドシンボルは、狭山茶が江戸後期の1802年に再興されたことにちなんでいます。

Sayama tea is the tea produced nearest to Tokyo out of the 3 most famous teas in Japan. Produced mainly in the western part of Saitama Prefecture and in the rural Nishitama district in western Tokyo, it is situated further north than most tea plantations in Japan and is characterized by its thick leaves as well as its strong taste and aroma. The brand symbol “1802 SAYAMA TEA” comes from the fact that Sayama tea was revived in the year 1802, during the late Edo period.